Οδηγός για τις σκηνές μπύρας του Oktoberfest : Ποια να διαλέξετε;

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Guide to Oktoberfest Beer Tents : Which One to Choose?

Τόσες πολλές σκηνές μπύρας, τόσο λίγος χρόνος. Στο Oktoberfest του Μονάχου, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε ανάμεσα σε 17 κύριες σκηνές μπύρας (συν 21 μικρότερες σκηνές) – αρκετές για να γεμίσουν τις δύο εβδομάδες του φεστιβάλ.

Αλλά η επιλογή του «σωστού» μπορεί να είναι συντριπτική. Ποια σκηνή Oktoberfest είναι καλή επιλογή για οικογένειες, έχει τα καλύτερα yodelers ή είναι η πιο δημοφιλής στους ντόπιους;

Εάν έχετε μια συγκεκριμένη σκηνή που θα θέλατε να επισκεφτείτε, στείλτε κρατήσεις στις αρχές του έτους, συνήθως μέχρι τον Μάρτιο. Εκεί που κάποτε οι κρατήσεις γίνονταν μόνο μέσω τηλεφώνου ή φαξ, το φεστιβάλ εκσυγχρονίζεται επιτέλους και τα περισσότερα αιτήματα διεκπεραιώνονται διαδικτυακά. Αλλά ακόμα κι αν δεν έχετε κρατήσεις, ορισμένοι χώροι προορίζονται για βόλτες, όπως τα Σάββατα, τις Κυριακές και τις επίσημες αργίες.

Δεν χρειάζεται να κλείσετε τραπέζι εκ των προτέρων (αλλά θα πρέπει) και η είσοδος είναι δωρεάν, οπότε επισκεφτείτε τα όλα για να βρείτε το αγαπημένο σας. Εδώ είναι ένας οδηγός για όλες τις σκηνές μπύρας στο Oktoberfest.


Χρονολογείται από το 1867, το Schottenhamel είναι η παλαιότερη σκηνή στο Oktoberfest. Πολλοί λένε ότι είναι και το πιο σημαντικό καθώς το Schotenhamel είναι το σημείο όπου ξεκινούν τα πάντα. Στις 12 μ.μ. ακριβώς την ημέρα έναρξης του Oktoberfest , ο Δήμαρχος του Μονάχου ξεκινά το φεστιβάλ χτυπώντας το πρώτο βαρέλι μπύρας με ένα πλούσιο ” O’zapft is !” στη σκηνή του Schottenhamel.

Αυτή είναι επίσης μια από τις μεγαλύτερες σκηνές Oktoberfest με σχεδόν 10.000 θέσεις και είναι το μέρος για πάρτι για νέους. Πολλές φοιτητικές οργανώσεις του Μονάχου εδρεύουν εκεί και είναι το παρατσούκλι Das Zelt der Jugend genannt (Η σκηνή της νεολαίας).


Η πιο διάσημη μπιραρία , η Hofbräuhaus είναι ανοιχτή όλο το χρόνο στην καρδιά του Μονάχου .

Στο Oktoberfest, αυτή η δημοφιλής σκηνή είναι γεμάτη με ντόπιους και ξένους. Έχει σχεδόν 7.000 θέσεις στο εσωτερικό και η βαυαρική μουσική oompah γεμίζει τον αέρα. Η μασκότ για τη σκηνή, Aloisius, κρέμεται από το ταβάνι μαζί με πολυελαίους ντυμένους με αρωματικό λυκίσκο.

Many of the guests and all the waiters are dressed in traditional clothing and this tent has a very lively atmosphere.

  • Beer served: Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier
  • Reservations: You can reserve a spot at Oktoberfest online by e-mail (reservierung@hb-festzelt.de) or at the beer hall in the rear of the building.


Taking over from the storied Hippodrom tent in 2014, Marstall is the newest tent and one of first tents you see when entering Oktoberfest. Golden horses preside over this luxurious tent for 3,200 guests. The mood is civilized with dancing reserved for the ground ( not benches) and children are welcome until the evening.

Eating here is more creative than typical Bavarian fare, even offering vegetarian and gluten-free options. Order sekt (sparkling wine) by the stein and class it up this Oktoberfest.

  • Beer served: Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online.


With almost 10,000 seats, Hacker is another of the large tents at Oktoberfest. Its idyllic ceiling is painted like a heaven with blue skies and white clouds, echoing the blue and white of the Bavarian flag. Locals call this tent Himmel der Bayern (Heaven for Bavarians) and the roof can fold back on particularly nice days.

If you need a break from traditional brass bands, the Hacker tent is the right choice for you. After 7 pm, the atmosphere turns up and a rock band gets people dancing on the wooden benches.

This is also the best place to be to end the festival as they host the unofficial, Oktoberfest closing ceremony complete with sparklers and singing.

  • Beer served: Hacker-Pschorr
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online.


Tradition reigns supreme at Augustiner. The beer is still served out of wood kegs, and many Muenchner consider this to be the best tent at Oktoberfest. It is also one of the best options for families. In conjunction with Family Days on Tuesdays, this tent has “Kid’s Day” where small guests can eat and drink at a discount.

However, it can be hard to get in as 200 tables are usually reserved for regulars.

  • Beer served: Augustiner
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online.

Winzerer Fähndl

This is the largest tent at Oktoberfest with seating for almost 11,000 people. Winzerer Fähndl and its world-famous Paulaner beer is easily spotted with its six-meter (80-foot) high rotating Paulaner beer glass.

Enter the tent with thousands of FC Bayern Munich soccer fans and locals, both young and old.

  • Beer served: Paulaner
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online.


The 15-foot lion sitting above the entrance of the Löwenbräu tent is hard to miss. Every now and then it even lets out a majestic roar of “Lööööwenbräu” and takes a sip from its beer.

No wonder local soccer players from TSV 1860 and their fans like to come here – their nickname is “The Lions”. Inside, the almost 6,000 seats feel like they are within a giant beer barrel which suits the older local crowd.

  • Beer served: Löwenbräu
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online or by e-mail to mail@loewenbraeuzelt.de.


A massive ox on a revolving spit showcases the highlight of this tent. The name is appropriately German for “ox rotisserie”.

The tent has been around since 1881 and is a great place to party to a big brass band and eat the iconic meal of ochsen spieß. It is just as much about the food as the beer.

  • Beer served: Spaten
  • Reservations: Reserve your table online or by e-mail to info@ochsenbraterei.de.


This beer tent translates as “crossbow shooters tent” for good reason; a crossbow competition has been organized at Oktoberfest since 1895 and is still one of the highlights of Oktoberfest today.

If you are not into shooting sports, you can still have a great time with live music, dancing, and sing-alongs.

  • Beer served: Paulaner
  • Reservations: Send your written reservation request per fax to 089/23703705 or by mail to Sparkassenstr. 12, 80331 Munich. Requests sent via email will not be processed. More information and open times online.


Enter past the two 20-meter-high maibäume (maypoles) to reach the Bräurosl beer tent that has been serving up the beers and party since 1901. It is still owned by the same family.

Alongside Oompah bands, the Bräurosl is proud to have its own authentic Bavarian yodeler. But its not entirely orthodox as the first Saturday is “Gay Sunday“.

  • Beer served: Hacker Pschorr
  • Reservations: Reserve a table by e-mail at info@braeurosl.de. There is more information about the process online.

Käfer’s Wies’n-Schänke

Want to spot some celebrities? Your chances are pretty high at Käfer’s Wies’n-Schänke. With 3,000 seats, it is one of the smaller Oktoberfest tents and the atmosphere is less hectic, more luxury. The tent is also famous for its lavish gourmet food.

The Käfer’s Wies’n-Schänke is open late, but that doesn’t make it any easier to make it past the velvet rope. For the best chance at a seat, you might try the additional 1,900 seats in the biergarten.

  • Beer served: Paulaner
  • Reservations: Reserve a table online.


Close to the famous Bavaria statue, this small beer tent is actually off the main drag and full of locals. It used to be fairly quiet, but its cozy atmosphere has made it more popular recently.

It is known for its shooting hall complete with 100 shooting stands. This is where the local shooting clubs host their championships.

  • Beer served: Löwenbräu
  • Reservations: Reserve a table online. If you have questions, call 49 (0) 89 23181224 or consult their English FAQ.

Fischer Vroni

Take a break from the pork and visit Fischer Vroni. True to its name, this seafaring tent in the middle of Bavaria features a boat for a stage and is famous for its grilled “fish on a stick“, plus 16 other kinds of fish on the menu.

This is also the location of of a large LGBT party on the second Monday.

  • Beer served: Augustiner
  • Reservations: Register online


Amid a sea of beers, this is the place to get a glass of wine. The small wine tent has an extensive wine list as well as sekt (sparkling wine). If you must have a beer, Paulaner Weissbier is also on offer.

Besides traditional Oktoberfest dishes, the wine tent has seafood and Thai on its menu. The tent is also not as crowded as other Oktoberfest venues, and you’ll find many families among the visitors enjoying the normal tables with seat backs.

It is also quite late (until 1am) so it is the ideal location for a nightcap.

  • Wine served: More than 15 different wines and sekt like Nymphenburger
  • Reservations: Call or e-mail for reservations at +49 (0)89 290 705 17 or weinzelt@kuffler.de. You can also find more information online.